Friday, September 19, 2008

Wait for me

Many nurses have told me stories about how our Critical care unit (CCU) was haunted. Televisions turning on by itself, disembodied voices, shadows and cold spots. I however have never experienced this while visiting CCU and decided it was time to do an investigation. The night we were preparing to go up, one our investigators, known as Jo, told us of an employee who had just experienced a paranormal event in CCU. Jo said this individual went to CCU to retrieve some equipment for one of the other units. As he entered the rooom, the door slammed behind him. This startled him, but he went on into CCU to find what he was looking for. After finding the equipment, he noticed that now there was a chair in front of the door with some books on it. As he walked towards the chair to vacate the unit, the books fell off the chair as if pushed. This scared him so bad he said he would never returned to CCU!! After hearing this, Big Al, Jo and myself were ready to go. Upon arriving to CCU, we noticed how extremely hot it was. I took EMF readings and I did have some spikes, but I could always trace it back to a power source. After investigating for a while without any activity, we decided to leave. We were all extremely hot and sweaty. It had to be over 100 degrees and I was glad to get out of there. I was disappointed that I saw and heard nothing and considered this investigation a bust. We got on the elevator and pushed the button to go down. The door closed and then it opened up again on the same floor. I asked AL if he hit the right button and he said yes. So jokingly, I said I believe someone got on with us and strangely enough my EMF detector started to register higher numbers. Big Al noticed this and with a shocked look on his face read the numbers as they rose. I could not wait to see if we actually caught something on the digital recorder in the elevetor. While reviewing the audio on the elevator, I caught a women's voice saying " wait for me". This prompted another investigation on CCU. Jo, Al and I went back to see if we could catch the women's voice again. CCU was still extremely hot and after being there for a few minutes we were all drenched in sweat. I did EMF readings again and just like last time nothing had changed. But while standing outside one of the rooms, we all heard someone humming. It probably only lasted a couple of seconds, but it was clearly a hum! We went into this room to try to communicate with whoever was there. Suddenly I felt something touch the middle of my back and ,amidst the extreme heat, my back felt cold. It felt as if someone was holding an ice pack there. I looked at the other investigator and she also felt the same thing. This lasted for only a minute. We experienced nothing else and we decided to wrap it up. When we reviewed the audio we did catch the hum, but nothing else. We are going to try to investigate one other floor before our facility closes. Supposedly, people have seen shadows and experienced cold spots there. I will let you know what we find! Doc